Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mandrel Bent Exhaust Tubing.

mandrel bent exhaust tubing
I discussed in my last post about the implications because of installing an aftermarket sports exhaust system which are obviously great for your car. The performance of the exhaust system is mainly dependent upon its bent of tubing so first I will discuss what types of tubing you may find in the market. There are two types of bents. Crush Bent and Mandrel Bent. The later is much appreciated by the car enthusiasts however the crush bent is generally found in factory fitted exhaust systems of the cars. Making the story short, coming quickly to the merits and demerits of mandrel bent exhaust tubing.


As I said mandrel bent exhaust tubing is much appreciated by those who love to drag their cars beyond its limits. The reason is fair enough. Exhaust tubing with mandrel bent have an even diameter through out their piping system and due to this evenness, the gases produced in the engine bay easily pass through the system and outside the car without the restrictions as they have to face in crush bent exhaust tubing where the diameter of the inside becomes smaller and uneven as it is caused to "crinkle" by pressure bent.

Mandrel bent are similar to crush bend to the extent that they are also pressurized but an additional die is added which prevents the tubing to crinkle and hence the surface remains even. As a result, a constant circle allows a smooth flow of gases and better power and efficiency of the car. The mandrel bent are also adored because they also create the famous growling sound of the car which reflects the power of its engine.


The demerits of such type of exhaust tubing would definitely be the cost factor. Generally these type of sports exhaust system are more expensive than normal, factory fitted, stock exhaust system. Similarly an advantage of it can also be regarded as a disadvantage. i.e. the sound it produces. This sound can be disturbing for many "peace lovers" and can deem it as a mere "sound pollution". In the end, its not necessary that every car will compliment the mandrel bent exhaust tubing (system). Some power loss has been observed in the cars and apparently the exhaust system did not work as it was suppose to. So car keeping in mind the engine's specifications are necessary otherwise all your hard work and wealth will go in vain.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Pimp Your Ride By Modifying Spark Plugs

reading spark plugs
If you really want to perform some car modification, the best thing is to first take care of your engine performance because car modification is not only about changing your car body kits and installing some sub woofers to add a groove in your sound. No car modification is completed if the car's performance is not state of the art. For this purpose, you may get many advice. I would specifically refer to the car's spark plugs and their impact on engine performance and how you can do some modifications either by some spark plugs replacement or spark plug gapping or choose the right spark plugs for your car by assessing and reading spark plugs requirements for your car.

Before getting into details I would just peek into the spark plug's functioning or how does a spark plug work. I know many of you car enthusiasts must know the purpose of spark plugs and how does a spark plug work. So I will not go into a detail.Just a quick review.

Purpose Of A Spark Plug, How Does A Spark Plug Work?

Spark plug actually causes an ignition through its ignition coil in the internal combustion chamber of the engine which creates a small spark. Search out for internal combustion engine fundamentals for more details. This spark when unites with the air and some drops of fuel, it creates a perfect combination for a small explosion. This small explosion creates a pressure which causes the pistons in the engine's cylinders to move and eventually creates a torque to move the cam shaft and ultimately the car starts to move. As simple as that.

So the purpose of a spark plug is integral in moving a car. Obviously if the spark is of not a good quality there would be implications on the car's engine performance so to perform some car modification pertaining to spark plugs, one has to make sure that the spark plug is of good quality which produces a better spark to ensure swift movement of a car.

Now coming to the spark plug modification or replacement, let us first analyze that what effects the performance of the spark plug. The spark plug's performance is effected by following factors.

1) Wear and Tear of spark plug.
2) The gap between central and ground electrode or spark plug gapping.
3) Voltage provided to create a spark.
4) Altitude and temperature of the location.

To alter the performance or efficiency of spark plugs, one should try to alter the above factors or if he is going to perform some spark plugs replacement he should keep the above factors in mind. Now let's see how the above mentioned factors effect the efficiency of a spark plug and how you can modify or use the above mentioned factors in better performance of spark plugs and ultimately of the car.
1) Wear And Tear Of Spark Plug.

Spark plugs have to go through series of small explosions in order to be functional thus making them more prone to wear and tear. So definitely a damaged spark plug or a spark plug having a lot of carbon deposited at its tip will not perform adequately. So make sure that spark plugs are always in a good condition in order for your car as whole to be efficient or perform well. Generally a spark plug's life is about 10,000 to 20,000 miles. However some manufacturers assemble spark plugs which have two or in other words multiple ground electrodes to enhance the life of a spark plug. But it has been observed that it has some implications on fuel injection of the car.

2) Spark Plug Gapping.

This is the most important factor of spark plugs performance. However people have different views about the spark plug gapping. Some say that the more the gap, the better is the spark. Where as some say that small gap is good as it requires small amount of voltage to create the spark. Normally a spark plug requires a very high voltage of about 40,000 to 100,000 volts to cover the gap. I am open here for suggestions. Tell me if you have any suggestions regarding this topic. However if you really want to make the spark plug gapping larger or smaller you can use a very fine nosed pliers as a spark plug gapper or spark plug gap tool. To enlarge the gap, pull the ground electrodes outwards using pliers. However be extremely cautious here and make sure you do not apply pressure on the center electrode or it may damage.If you want to make the gap smaller, gently tap the ground electrode on a hard surface. You can use a feeler guage to measure the gap between center and ground electrode.

3) Voltage Provided.

As described above spark plugs need a very high amount of voltage to create a spark so use a good quality car batteries to make sure that a voltage is provided to create the spark.

4) Altitude And Temperature Of The Location.

The altitude where your car operates and the temperature in which your car operates is crucial for the performance of your spark plugs. For this reason the spark plugs have been divided into two kind which are:

a) Hot Spark Plugs:

Hot spark plugs are spark plugs in which the surface area of ceramic exhaust coating contacts less with the metal part of the spark plug thus exhausting less heat. I am saying the ceramic insulator as an exhaust because the ceramic insulator coating works as a heat exhaust. So hot spark plugs are good in low performing cars or in cold areas. Similarly they are good at high altitude areas where oxygen is less to burn the fuel.

b) Cold Spark Plugs:

These spark plugs have larger surface area of ceramic insulator coating thus exhausting more heat and keeping the spark plugs cold. You can have a look at the image of spark plugs structure for spark plug cross reference. Cold spark plugs are best for high performance engines or turbo charged engines. If you are looking forward for engine upgrades then I reckon you should also pay some consideration towards your spark plug replacement.

spark plug replacement

Above mentioned factors are helpful in assessing and reading spark plugs requirements for your car. You may have come to know how spark plug can be modified by changing spark plugs gapping as well as what spark plugs would be better for your car's specific requirements.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Benefits Of Aftermarket Sports Exhaust System

Installing an aftermarket, high performance sports exhaust system are a great way of enhancing the performance of your car. Besides that can also be used for cosmetic purpose as well as to produce a beloved roaring and growling car sound which makes your car prominent and more prone of being noted by your friends.

First of all I want to tell what an "aftermarket" means for car parts and accessories. Aftermarket part means that the part has not been and factory fitted or it has been release after the release of the car's model. It may also mean that the certain part has been manufactured by any other manufacturer.

The exhaust system acts just like a respiratory system of a man where the different gases produced by the working of the engine are provided a passage way or exit route through the exhaust tubing. When a man works out, the lungs helps in expelling out the carbon dioxide from the body and provides a departure platform. If the gas does not exit from the body we will suffocate and you know better what happens next.

So in order for an engine to work more efficiently, the best thing would be that exhaust piping are of larger diameter so gases exit more rapidly and there is less restriction for the gases to pass out. This benefit is what we gain when we replace a factory fitted stock exhaust system with an aftermarket sports exhaust system. Since they provide relatively a larger diameter piping, there is a less pressure of exhaust fumes which results in higher horse power but on the other hand a larger bore size of the pipe slows down the movement of the gases. So performance gain does not lies with fitting the biggest possible bore size pipe as it may result in the loss of low end torque, but an optimum size is suggested which definitely varies with the type of engine according to the RPM produced. When a standard exhaust system is replaced with a new high performance sports exhaust system, generally 10-15% increase in horse power has been observed.

Another problem with the normal exhaust system is that they manufacture a crush bent exhaust tubing which means that there are spiral rings around the exhaust piping due to which the diameter remains uneven and restrictions for gases to pass through. On the other hand high performance exhaust system generally provide mandrel bent exhaust tubing where the diameter remains same all over the system.

So making the debate short, while replacing your standard one with a high performance sports cat back exhaust system, you should be considering the size of bore of exhaust tubing related to your engine specifications. Similarly one general tip of making the gases to exit with a greater velocity is that the the big pipes are connected with small pipes along the entire exhaust manifold are connected in a cone shape. This of course has some demerits too. Similarly if your exhaust system creates an unwanted sound, you can use aftermarket mufflers to kill it.

All-Electric Luxury Car INZIO

The Li-Ion Motors new electric "supercar" INZIO looks like a cross between a V8 Jaguar and a Ferrari and can cruise at 170mph. It also has a range of 250 miles. This thing can get from 0 to 60mph in 3.4 seconds. INZIO is a two-seater sports model, and the design isn't exactly bashful. INZIO is a machine that looks like it means business. It looks so good you might even get discounts on your car insurance  if you let your insurance guys look it over.

INZIO has successfully trashed quite a few of the common conceptions of electric cars. If you're a car designer, the performance figures all add up to one thing – Power. Electric sports cars have been a sort of novelty in recent years, with some grunt but not much sustained performance to achieve the "Wow" effect. INZIO is very obviously a very different beast, and a competitive beast.

INZIO is expected to be coming out in 2011, with a price tag of $139,000. For a high-performance sports car, that's actually about average. This car has "classic" written all over it, and could actually be the Mustang of its generation.

The power factor has produced some very interesting statistics. Battery power output is over 40kW, with an upgrade to 96.7kW also available. The electric motor produces 145kW. This is no slot car, and those power figures would be respectable for a racing car. From available publicity, the manufacturer seems to be being a little coy about providing specification details, but to achieve that speed involves a very high level of power to weight efficiency, and let's face it, very good design.

The Green side of INZIO

INZIO doesn't produce emissions. If you want to be strictly tourist/purist about it, the high-power electric engine may generate a carbon footprint, but electricity can be sourced from anywhere these days, so that's a slightly specious way at best of looking at the car as a Green product.

As a matter of fact, the Greenest part of the INZIO concept is that it is very likely to encourage a lot of other car designers to start looking seriously at producing very good quality electric car designs. The seemingly endless struggle to get electric cars on the road in the face of petrol-based primitivism hasn't exactly encouraged innovation over the years, and INZIO has now provided irrefutable proof of high-power viability in electric vehicles.

A watered-down version of INZIO on a conventional frame would make a good family sedan, and probably make a positive difference to car insurance quotes as well, because they'd be very reliable vehicles. Mainstream vehicles don't need this sort of grunt, in fact they could probably make do with about half the performance of this car.

A further very Green aspect of this design is that finally it's looking like electric power for heavy vehicles is a real possibility. That's been a major issue, but this level of grunt could easily drive a range of basic freight vehicles without much difficulty, and it's fairly easy to see how extra power could operate the
big rigs.

At this rate, Li-Ion Motors may be the first car manufacturer to start winning environmental prizes. If so, they've earned them.

Nissan Unleashes Its New GT-R Black Edition

Nissan GT-R Black Edition
Nissan releases black edition of its world famous GT-R. This one's a really pimped one and you don't see this epicoften on the street. The new Nissan GT-R Black Edition is so rare that the entire Europe has to content with only 480 units.

The new GT-R has been modified with an impressive Engine Control Unit ( ECU ) and a new special exhaust pipe.However 2 cats and middle silencer has been removed. These modifications help the GT-R to achieve a massive horse power of 580bhp and produces an impressive 700 Nm torque.

The new Nissan GT-R Black Edition's body kit has been aggressively designed giving it a whole new hot look and one can feel the rage and power inside the machine by just observing the exterior.

Following are the parts and accessories, embedded in the GT-R for its modification. Just have a look how much theyhave spent to give this car an aggressive look:

The matt black foliation (2,499 Euro)
- the lowering via coil overs (1,299 Euro)
- Exhaust pipe (998 Euro)
- Black painted 20? wheels (999 Euro)
- Wheel spacers (340 Euro)
- Individually painted parts like the front bumper, the rear diffusor, air vents, tinted windows.

Information source: Japanese Sports Car

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Body Kits For Real Enthusiasts

Body kits are an extremely popular modification amongst car enthusiasts. Available for virtually any car, body kits can completely alter the style of a car, often beyond recognition.

For people who are really into their cars, who want their car to stand out from the rest, fitting a body kit may be an ideal solution. The range of kits on sale is vast, and caters for 90% of all makes and models, from Alfa Romeo to Volvo. For most models, you should find that you have a wide selection to choose from. For popular models such as the Ford Focus, Citroen Saxo and Volkswagen Golf, you may find that you have up to 100 body kits at your disposal, therefore whatever your preference, you should be able to find something to suit your individual style.

If you’re considering re-styling your car, you ultimately have to make one key decision: Do you want a bodykit that will entirely alter the appearance of your vehicle, or are you looking for something more subtle?

For mild alterations to your car you may want to consider an extension kit. Also known as a skirt or valance kit, these items generally consist of body extensions, rather than complete replacement bumpers and side skirts. They are usually cheaper to buy than a full body kit, and are easy to fit, with or without the assistance of a bodyshop.

For more serious options, you’ll be looking at removing your existing front bumper, rear bumper and side skirts, and replacing them with a full kit. Again, your options are virtually limitless, including body kits that come complete with wide arch extensions, spoilers, sport grilles and bonnets. This type of kit is particularly popular amongst Japanese car owners, partly because this type of kit was made more popular with the release of films such as The Fast And The Furious and others of that genre.

Whichever route you choose, remember to work out how you’re going to get the parts finished, painted and fitted to your car. Many people are able to do this on their driveways at home, however most will require the services of a professional.

NORI Toyota Concept Car

 NORI Toyota Concept Car

NORI Concept Car Builded on Toyota's leadership role in creating
eco-sensitive vehicles, created by Toyota's Calty Design Research for
the 2010 LA Design Challenge, the NORI Concept is a futuristic
four-seater with a body and chassis integrated into a single lightweight
component made of carbon fiber and seaweed.
The NORI concept challenges us to look

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Aera Concept 2010 Cadillac Concept Car


Aera Concept 2010 Cadillac Concept Car 

This marks the third time that the group from General Motors has won this challenge, giving them the most wins out of all automakers that enter. The Cadillac Aera hit on all areas that the judges were looking for and, despite the futuristic styling, still carries some recognizable lines from Cadillacs of today.

General Motors advanced design

Monday, November 15, 2010

NT3 Piaggio Hybrid Concept Car

NT3 Piaggio Hybrid Concept Car

is a result of Piaggio Group's innovation and technological
capabilities which - together with a unique design - give life to a four
wheeled, three seater vehicle never before seen on the market inspired
by the basic characteristics of the ape. NT3 is a compact, safe,
flexible, maneuvrable and attractive vehicle as well as being highly

Elan Lotus Concept Car - Mid-mounted 4.0-liter V6 engine with 450 PS

 Elan Lotus Concept Car

for release during the second half of 2013, the Lotus Elan Concept
Power is provided by a mid-mounted 4.0-liter V6 engine with 450 PS (331
kW / 444 hp) and 465 Nm (343 lb-ft) of toque. It is backed up by a
seven-speed DCT transmission, which enables the 1,295 kg (2,855 lb) car
to accelerate from 0-100 km/h in 3.5 seconds and hit a top speed of 310
km/h (193

Sunday, November 14, 2010



2010 Porsche Panamera Turbo

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart, presented the Panamera to the world public today at the 13th Auto Shanghai. Joining the 911, the Cayenne, and the Boxster/Cayman, this new four-door Gran Turismo is Porsche’s fourth model series, with three variants entering the market in Germany on 12 September 2009. The Panamera is making its debut as an eight-cylinder delivering 400 and, respectively, 500 horsepower and with both rear-wheel and all-wheel drive, a six-cylinder gasoline model and a hybrid version following later.

Klaus Berning, Executive Vice-President Sales and Marketing of Porsche AG, expressed a clear view at the world debut of the Panamera: “Introducing the Panamera, we are entering a market segment completely new for our customers and we are once again consistently expanding our model portfolio.”

Through its design and looks alone, the Panamera clearly stands out from the competition at very first sight. Like no other car in its class, it offers a truly unique combination of sporting performance and luxurious comfort. Despite its low and sleek silhouette so typical of Porsche, the Panamera, measuring 4.97 metres (195.7″) in length but only 1.42 metres (55.9″) in height, ensures a generous feeling of space on all four seats.

Wolfgang D’rheimer, Porsche’s Executive Vice-President Research and Development, added an equally clear statement: “Our engineers, technicians, and designers have invested all their know-how, years of experience, a wealth of ideas, and their full passion for sports cars in this four-seater Gran Turismo.”

The Panamera is introducing no less than five outstanding innovations in technology as world premieres to be admired for the first time in the luxury performance class – among them the first Start-Stop system in conjunction with automatic transmission, air suspension with additional air volume available on demand in each spring, as well as active aerodynamics with an adjustable, multi-dimensional, extendable rear spoiler on the Panamera Turbo.

Porsche’s Gran Turismo sets new standards in its market segment in terms of performance, driving dynamics and efficiency, benefiting from Porsche’s traditional core competences and years of experience in motorsport, since efficient and powerful engines, lightweight technologies, and optimised aerodynamics are crucial to success also on the race track. All models in the Panamera range come with Porsche Direct Fuel Injection, low-friction drive systems, and weight-optimised lightweight bodies.

Moving on to the suspension, the customer can choose among steel suspension or adaptive air suspension with a fully-controlled damper system. And thanks to its intelligent chassis concept, the Panamera combines the driving comfort of a luxurious grand touring saloon with the driving dynamics of a thoroughbred Porsche sports car. Depending on his individual style of motoring or current traffic conditions, the driver can choose either a particularly comfortable or an especially sporting set-up most conveniently at the touch of a button.

With its center console extending back from the dashboard all the way to the rear seats, Porsche’s new Gran Turismo offers an unprecedented feeling of space and motoring pleasure on all four seats, highlighting the personal ambience and style of each individual passenger. The driver’s seat and cockpit offers optimum ergonomics all round, a low seating position providing that direct contact to the road again so typical of Porsche. The passengers, in turn, all enjoy highly comfortable single seats. The luxuriously appointed interior, finally, already offering a supreme standard on the regular series models, may naturally be upgraded on request by a wide range of optional extras and special equipment.

Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG

For the first time in the company’s history stretching back over 40 years, the Mercedes-Benz performance brand is presenting a vehicle developed in-house, the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG. The super sports car serves up an exciting proposition with its unique technology package: aluminium spaceframe body with gullwing doors, AMG 6.3-litre V8 front-mid engine developing 420 kW (571 hp) peak output and dry sump lubrication, seven-speed dual-clutch transmission in a transaxle configuration and sports suspension with aluminium double wishbones. The ideal front/rear weight distribution of 48 to 52 percent and the vehicle’s low centre of gravity are testimony to the uncompromising sports car concept.

“Mercedes-Benz is presenting an exhilarating super sports car in the guise of the new SLS AMG, which is bound to set the pulses of all car enthusiasts racing that extra bit faster. The SLS AMG is emotion pure and simple for the Mercedes-Benz brand and is set to become one of the most alluring sports cars of our era”, says Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars.

“Our customers will experience with the SLS AMG the expertise of our sports car manufacturer Mercedes-AMG, built up over 40 years of motor racing, along with the kind of scintillating design that only a top athlete from the Mercedes-Benz stable can offer”, says Volker Mornhinweg, Chairman of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

The new Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG offers purist, distinctive styling, superior driving dynamics and hallmark Mercedes everyday practicality and safety. During the development of the new ‘Gullwing’, the AMG developers placed their trust in the valuable know-how of the specialists from the Mercedes Technology Centre (MTC) in Sindelfingen. The aim of this joint development was to turn the SLS AMG ‘Gullwing’ into the perfect synthesis of the strengths of the Mercedes-Benz and AMG brands.

Consistent lightweight design thanks to aluminium
The radical design as a highly talented dynamic super sports car with its low-slung front-mid engine set well back also feeds through into the proportions as well as the optimised lightweight body concept: for the first time, Mercedes-Benz and AMG are presenting a car with an aluminium chassis and body. Compared with the traditional steel design, this results in a significant weight saving, clearly illustrated in the planned DIN kerb weight of 1620 kilograms excluding driver.

The newly developed bodyshell comprises an aluminium spaceframe. This exclusive design combines intelligent lightweight design with outstanding strength – thus delivering superlative driving dynamics. Naturally, the aluminium spaceframe meets all the requirements in terms of passive safety and the hallmark Mercedes-Benz body quality that applies to any car sporting the Mercedes-Benz star. Despite the low sitting position in typical sports car fashion, the wide-opening gullwing doors make it easy to get in and out of the vehicle.

Fine-tuned AMG 6.3-litre V8 engine developing 420 kW (571 hp)
The fine-tuned AMG 6.3-litre V8 engine achieves a peak output of 420 kW (571 hp) at 6800 rpm, thus turning the SLS AMG into one of the most powerful sports cars in its segment. A power-to-weight ratio of 2.84 kg/hp comes courtesy of the low vehicle weight. The eight-cylinder naturally-aspirated engine delivers maximum torque of 650 Nm at 4750 rpm. The ‘Gullwing’ accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.8 seconds, before going on to a top speed of 315 km/h (all figures are provisional). Bearing the internal designation M159, the V8 high-revving engine with its displacement of 6208 cubic centimetres has been thoroughly reengineered compared with the M156 entry-level engine and boasts all the hallmarks of powerful racing engines.

The principal measures in increasing output include the all-new intake system, the reworked valve train and camshafts, the use of flow-optimised tubular steel headers and the dethrottling of the exhaust system. This results in much better cylinder charging, which feeds through into an increase in output to 420 kW (571 hp) with maximum torque of 650 Nm. The eight-cylinder engine responds swiftly to movements of the accelerator pedal, demonstrating much more pronounced high-revving flexibility across the entire rev range. The switch to dry sump lubrication also translates into a much lower position of the engine in the vehicle. And lowering the vehicle’s centre of gravity has also paved the way for high lateral acceleration and exhilarating driving dynamics.

Perfect synthesis of lightweight design and strength
The use of high-strength components compensates for the increased engine load associated with the higher output. Forged pistons, a reinforced crankshaft bearing, optimised crankcase structure, along with improved lubrication thanks to an on-demand high-performance oil pump ensure optimum durability.

Despite these higher loads, the engine weight for the M159 has been further reduced. The forged pistons as oscillating masses play a particularly valuable role in this respect. Thanks to targeted weight optimisation, the weight of the engine has been reduced further, resulting in a kerb weight of 206 kilograms and, in turn, a power-to-weight ratio of 0.36 kg/hp. The AMG 6.3-litre V8 engine thus delivers the best figure by far compared with its competitors.

Sophisticated catalytic converter technology enables current and future exhaust emission standards such as EU 5, LEV 2 and ULEV to be met. The friction-optimised twin-wire-arc-sprayed (TWAS) coating on the cylinder walls – a process that remains exclusive to AMG – also reduces fuel consumption, as does the on‑demand, map-optimised oil supply along with the regulated generator management. Thanks to the targeted use of efficiency-enhancing measures, fuel consumption for the SLS AMG is around 13 litres of Super Plus per 100 kilometres (NEDC combined, provisional figure).

Dual-clutch transmission with transaxle configuration and torque tube
The AMG 6.3-litre V8 engine delivers its abundant power via an ultra-light carbon-fibre driveshaft at the rear axle – similar to the set-up used on the DTM C‑Class racing touring car. The transmission is mounted at the rear (transaxle principle) and is connected to the engine housing via a torque tube.

A carbon-fibre shaft rotates at engine speed in the torque tube. The advantages of this sophisticated solution are associated with the rigid link between the engine and transmission and, in turn, the optimum support for the forces and torque generated. A new AMG dual-clutch transmission with seven gears takes care of power transfer. The transmission boasts fast gear changes with no loss of tractive force. The driver has a choice of four different driving modes, ranging from comfortable to extremely sporty, as well as a RACESTART function. Optimum traction comes courtesy of the mechanical differential lock, which is integrated in the compact transmission casing.

The chosen solution with a front-mid engine plus transaxle configuration ensures an ideal front/rear weight distribution of 48 to 52 percent. Mounting the engine behind the front axle has created the ideal conditions for consummate driving dynamics with precise steering, first-class agility, low inertia with spontaneous directional changes and outstanding traction. The suspension technology is also a match for these high standards: wheel location comes courtesy of double wishbones and hub carriers made of lightweight forged aluminium. The ‘Gullwing’ comes with 3-stage ESP as standard, providing the driver with access to the three “ESP ON”, “ESP SPORT” and “ESP OFF” modes at the push of a button.

Ceramic composite brakes, innovative flow-forming wheels
The AMG high-performance composite brakes all-round ensure extremely short stopping distances even under enormous loads. The newly developed, optional ceramic composite brakes with larger brake discs guarantee even better brake performance and lower unsprung masses. The ceramic brake discs will perform reliably at even higher operating temperatures thanks to their greater hardness, all combined with an impressive weight reduction of around 40 percent. Light-weight design was also a key consideration with the wheels: weight-optimised AMG light-alloy wheels – 9.5 x 19 inch (front) and 11.0 x 20 inch (rear) – based on the innovative flow-forming principle reduce the unsprung masses while increasing driving dynamics and suspension comfort. 265/35 R 19 (front) and 295/30 R 20 (rear) tyres developed exclusively for AMG ensure optimum grip.

The design and development phase for the super sports car got underway in the last quarter of 2006. The intensive vehicle testing programme will be complete by the end of 2009. Meanwhile, the reinterpretation of the legendary ‘Gullwing’ is scheduled to be launched in spring 2010.

2010 JE Design Volkswagen Polo

Once again, JE DESIGN confirms that they are one of the fastest tuners. The experts from Leingarten in Germany already developed their own programme for the new VW Polo.

Customers seeking to have a more individual, dynamic look will inevitably choose the suitable body kit by JE DESIGN. The company delivers its components in the usual OEM-quality. That means that the material is made of high-quality ABS. As all components are CNC-milled, perfect fit is guaranteed. The kit for 1528 Euro including VAT includes the front spoiler with central spoiler sword in carbon look which already renders real verve when it is still parked.

The "fierce look" comes from the headlight blends and the powerful profile is enhanced with the side skirts. The rear skirt lip in carbon look is perfectly adjusted to the other parts and completes the aerodynamics kit. The rear skirt lip embraces the stainless steel double pipe of the sports muffler at the centre while the latter renders the appropriate sound to the latest appearance (599 Euro).A main attraction is the LED daytime running light which is fitted to the vehicle front via an air inlet blend (entire set for 399 Euro). This registration-free LED daytime running light has two functions: when the dipped head lights are on, the LEDs are dimmed into parking light mode (position light). This renders a special night-look. When the dipped head light mode is off, the LEDs sparkle brighter in the daytime light mode and therefore improve the traffic safety.

The lowering springs are made for combination with the original shock absorbers (149 Euro). They lower the new polo by 35 millimetres and therefore bring more drive dynamic agility. Also the overall look is enhanced by this measure, as the little VW now seems significantly lower and looks far more daring. Customers seeking an even sportier look can opt for the KW coilover suspension made of stainless steel which can lower the car up to 65 millimetres (929 Euro).

Upgrading the wheels is elementary in automobile tuning. For its Polo programme, JE DESIGN offers the sporty-elegant wheel design "Multispoke" which consists of entire wheel sets. JE DESIGN offers them in either 7x17 inches ET 35 or 7.5x18 inches ET 35 with tyres measuring 215/40 R17 or 215/35 R18. Moreover, the customer can choose between the finishes "shadow silver" (in 17 inches altogether for 1809 Euro, in 18 inches for 1929 Euro) or "black matt/silver rim bead" (in 17 inches for 2260 Euro, in 18 inches for 2380 Euro). Also, an individual finish is available, e.g. in black matt with a bead in the car colour (see pictures). JE DESIGN will disclose the individual prices on demand.

In contrast to the extremely dynamic outer look of the car, the interior is especially luxurious. The leather equipment Elegance (1599 Euro) turns the cockpit into a noble travel centre. Also the steering wheel (399 Euro), the gear shift skirt and the hand break cuff (together for 179 Euro) are lined with finest leather. The colour of the leather and the seam can be chosen freely and therefore individually selected - as seen on the photographs, also ultra-suede is available in various types. Special seam stitches, as e.g. "Diamond Cut" (see images) perfect the interior - even without any surcharge. JE DESIGN offers even more individuality with embroidering a logo according to customer preference into the backrests of the front seats (79 Euro).

For even more comfort, there is a two-stage seat heating (379 Euro), electrically adjustable lordosis support for back-friendly travels (319 Euro) or the massage system in the seats (429 Euro) where the driver can indulge into a silent massage offering twelve programmes and six massage hubs.

And if there is a demand for enhancing the performance, JE DESIGN can help soon. Performance enhancements for all Diesel- and TSI-engines are already in development.

All parts are suitable for the practical five-door Polo, but also for the sporty three-door model. Of course, JE DESIGN delivers all components with a general operating licence or a component part certificate by the Technical Control Board (TÜV).

For more information about the extensive programme by JE DESIGN, please visit www.je-design.de.

The Beginnings Of The Chevrolet Camaro

The Chevrolet Camaro first hit the market in the USA during 1966. General Motors, Chevrolet's owners, had to produce a car to provide essential competition to the market dominating Ford Mustang. The 1967 Camaro used a frame and lots of large components from the Pontiac Firebird (another General Motors off-shoot), and so the time required and finances required to produce the Camaro were massively reduced.Called a a muscle car, or a 'Pony' car, a word that at the time referred to small vehicles that were both affordable and had a stylish feel about their looks (a style started by the Ford Mustang in 1964), the car lined up alongside an ever growing number of vehicles that were fighting for an ever growing market. American owners loved the performance, the look and the great value of such cars and the multiplying sales guaranteed that plenty of manufacturers made their own variations out as quickly they could.

The 1970's and 80's were the car's heyday, when the Camaro was desired by millions of buyers, not just in North America but throughout the world. The mix of style, performance and various TV shows using muscle cars added to a massive demand, and the desire for many to own one never disappeared.

So far there have been five distinct generations of the Camaro have been sold. Generations one to four were sold between 1966 and 2002 (when development of the Camaro and Firebird both ceased), and building of the fifth generation Camaro started again in 2009 and despite opposition to these polluting big engined cars from campaigners, the Camaro has proven to once again be a big success with the North American public.

The Camaro was sometimes available in a hardtop coupe and a convertible, the convertible was very popular among owners from sea bordering states who loved the thought of driving along the beach side roads with the roof down, the stereo up and the sunglasses on. The car has a large group of fans with many buyers having owned every generation of the car at one time or another and even more hanging on to original 1960's models and maintaining them in pristine condition.

The car was always a favourite car for modification through the years, with owners spending weeks and months and lots of cash adding aftermarket parts to improve their Camaro's style and performance. Camaro's have also been very strong in car racing taking many Trans-Am series wins and any number of other races and titles through its lifetime. Plenty of motor racing enthusiasts still use old generation Camaro's today and are still successful, winning against much more modern race cars.

The Camaro is still going strong today, and with its legendary status, power and great style from the latest incarnation, it's bound to be around for a long time to come.

Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 – 2009 Pricing

Chevrolet is one of America’s best-known and best-selling automotive brands. With the largest dealer network in the United States, Chevy is the leader in full-size trucks and the leader in sales of vehicles priced $35,000 and above. Chevrolet delivers more-than-expected value in every vehicle category. Chevy cars and trucks have expressive design, spirited performance and great value with standard features usually found only on more expensive vehicles. GM announced the 2009 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 price a couple of days ago. The 2009 Corvette ZR1 starts at $103,300 including $850 destination charges.On top of that you’ll have to cash out a $1,700 gas guzzler tax, and if you so wish to opt for some special options get ready to spend another $12,000. The $10,000 Options Package gets you power-adjustable heated leather sports seats, side air bags, a Bose premium audio system, navigation, Bluetooth and a custom leather wrapped interior available in four colors. Chrome wheels will cost you $2,000.

The 2009 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 is powered by a LS9 supercharged 6.2L V8 engine officially produces 638-hp and 604 lb-ft of torque. That gives the $103,300 Corvette the ability to go from 0-60 in 3.4 seconds (0-100mph in 7.0 seconds) with a top speed of 205mph.

Orange McLaren F1

The McLaren F1 is a sports car designed and manufactured by Gordon Murray and McLaren Automotive. On March 31, 1998, it set the record for the fastest production car in the world, 240 mph (391 km/h). As of April 2009, the McLaren F1 is succeeded by three faster cars in sheer top speed, but is still the fastest naturally aspirated production car.

The car features numerous proprietary designs and technologies. It is lighter and has a more streamlined structure than even most of its modern rivals and competitors despite having one seat more than most similar sports cars, with the driver’s seat located in the middle. It features a powerful engine and is somewhat track oriented, but not to the degree that it compromises everyday usability and comfort. It was conceived as an exercise in creating what its designers hoped would be considered the ultimate road car. Despite not having been designed as a track machine, a modified race car edition of the vehicle won several races, including the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1995, where it faced purpose-built prototype race cars. Production began in 1992 and ended in 1998. In all, 106 cars were manufactured, with some variations in the design.Chief engineer Gordon Murray’s design concept was a common one among designers of high-performance cars: low weight and high power. This was achieved through use of high-tech and expensive materials like carbon fibre, titanium, gold, magnesium and kevlar. The McLaren F1 was the first production car to use a carbon-fibre monocoque chassis.

The idea was first conceived when Murray was waiting for a flight home from the fateful Italian Grand Prix in 1988; Murray drew a sketch of a three seater sports car and proposed it to Ron Dennis, pitched as the idea of creating the ultimate road car, a concept that would be heavily influenced by the Formula One experience and technology of the company and thus reflect that skill and knowledge through the McLaren F1.

Quote from Gordon (translated from original Japanese article): “During this time, we were able to visit with Ayrton Senna (the late F1 Champion) and Honda’s Tochigi Research Center. The visit related to the fact that at the time, McLaren’s F1 Grand Prix cars were using Honda engines. Although it’s true I had thought it would have been better to put a larger engine, the moment I drove the Honda NSX, all the benchmark cars—Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini—I had been using as references in the development of my car vanished from my mind. Of course the car we would create, the McLaren F1, needed to be faster than the NSX, but the NSX’s ride quality and handling would become our new design target. Being a fan of Honda engines, I later went to Honda’s Tochigi Research Center on two occasions and requested that they consider building for the McLaren F1 a 4.5 liter V10 or V12. I asked, I tried to persuade them, but in the end could not convince them to do it, and the McLaren F1 ended up equipped with a BMW engine.”

Later, a pair of Ultima MK3 kit cars, chassis numbers 12 and 13, “Albert” and “Edward”, the last two MK3s, were used as “mules” to test various components and concepts before the first cars were built. Number 12 was used to test the gearbox with a 7.4 litre Chevrolet V8 to mimic the torque of the BMW V12, plus various other components like the seats and the brakes. Number 13 was the test of the V12, plus exhaust and cooling system. When McLaren was done with the cars they destroyed both of them to keep away the specialist magazines and because they did not want the car to be associated with “kit cars”.

The car was first unveiled at a launch show, 28 May 1991, at The Sporting Club in Monaco. The production version remained the same as the original prototype (XP1) except for the wing mirror which, on the XP1, was mounted at the top of the A-pillar. This car was deemed not road legal as it had no indicators at the front; McLaren was forced to make changes on the car as a result (some cars, including Ralph Lauren’s, were sent back to McLaren and fitted with the prototype mirrors). The original wing mirrors also incorporated a pair of indicators which other car manufacturers would adopt several years later.

The car’s safety levels were first proved when during a testing in Namibia in April 1993, a test driver wearing just shorts and t-shirt hit a rock and rolled the first prototype car several times. The driver managed to escape unscathed. Later in the year, the second prototype (XP2) was especially built for crashtesting and passed with the front wheel arch untouched.


Gordon Murray insisted that the engine for this car be naturally aspirated to increase reliability and driver control. Turbochargers and superchargers increase power but they increase complexity and can decrease reliability as well as introducing an additional aspect of latency and loss of feedback, the ability of the driver to maintain maximum control of the engine is thus decreased. Murray initially approached Honda for an NA powerplant with 550 bhp (410 kW; 560 PS), 600 mm (23.6 in) block length and a total weight of 250 kg (551 lb), it should be derived from the Formula One powerplant in the then-dominating McLaren/Honda cars.

When Honda refused, Isuzu, then planning an entry into Formula One, had a 3.5 V12 engine being tested in a Lotus chassis. The company was very interested in having the engine fitted into the McLaren F1. However, the designers wanted an engine with a proven design and a racing pedigree.

In the end BMW took an interest, and the motorsport division BMW M headed by engine expert Paul Rosche designed and built Murray a custom-designed 6.1 L (6064 cc) 60-degree V12 engine, which was 14% more powerful than specified and 16 kg (35 lb) heavier – despite being based on the original specifications of 550 bhp (410 kW; 560 PS), 600 mm (23.6 in) block length and total weight of 250 kilograms (550 lb).

The final result is a custom-built 6.1 L (6064 cc) 60-degree V12 with an aluminium alloy block and head, 86 mm (3.4 in) x 87 mm (3.4 in) bore/stroke, quad overhead camshafts for maximum flexibility of control over the four valves per cylinder and a chain drive for the camshafts for maximum reliability, the engine is dry sump. At 266 kg (586 lb), the resulting engine was slightly heavier than Murray’s original maximum specification weight of 250 kg (551 lb) but was also considerably more powerful than he had specified. The bespoke engineered engine for the McLaren F1 is called the BMW S70/2.

The carbon fibre body panels and monocoque required significant heat insulation in the engine compartment, so Murray’s solution was to line the engine bay with a highly efficient heat-reflector: gold foil. Approximately 25 g (0.8 ounce) of gold was used in each car.

The road version used a compression ratio of 11:1 to produce 627 hp (468 kW; 636 PS) at 7400 rpm—considerably more than Murray’s specification of 550 horsepower (404 kW). Torque output of 480 ft·lb (651 N·m) at 5600 rpm. The engine has a redline rev limiter set at 7500 rpm.

In contrast to raw engine power, a car’s power-to-weight ratio is a better method of quantifying acceleration performance than the peak output of the vehicle’s powerplant. The standard McLaren F1 achieves 550 hp/ton (403 kW/tonne), or just 3.6 lb/hp. Compare with the Ferrari Enzo at 434 hp/ton (314 kW/tonne) (4.6 lb/hp), the Bugatti Veyron at 530.2 hp/ton (395 kW/tonne) (4.1 lb/hp), and the SSC Ultimate Aero TT with an alleged 1003 hp/ton (747.9 kW/tonne) (2 lb/hp).

The cam carriers, covers, oil sump, dry sump, and housings for the camshaft control are made of magnesium castings. The intake control features twelve individual butterfly valves and the exhaust system has four Inconel catalysts with individual Lambda-Sond controls. The camshafts are continuously variable for increased performance, using a system very closely based on BMW’s VANOS variable timing system for the BMW M3; it is a hydraulically-actuated phasing mechanism which retards the inlet cam relative to the exhaust cam at low revs, which reduces the valve overlap and provides for increased idle stability and increased low-speed torque. At higher RPM the valve overlap is increased by computer control to 42 degrees (compare 25 degrees on the M3) for increased airflow into the cylinders and thus increased performance.

To allow the fuel to atomise fully the engine uses two Lucas injectors per cylinder, with the first injector located close to the inlet valve – operating at low engine RPM – while the second is located higher up the inlet tract – operating at higher RPM. The dynamic transition between the two devices is controlled by the engine computer.

Each cylinder has its own miniature ignition coil. The closed-loop fuel injection is sequential. The engine has no knock sensor as the predicted combustion conditions would not cause this to be a problem. The pistons are forged in aluminium.

Every cylinder bore has a nikasil coating giving it a high degree of wear resistance.

From 1998 to 2000, the Le Mans-winning BMW V12 LMR sports car used a similar S70/2 engine.

The engine was given a short development time, causing the BMW design team to use only trusted technology from prior design and implementation experience. The engine does not use titanium valves or connecting rods. Variable intake geometry was considered but rejected on grounds of unnecessary complication.

As for fuel consumption, the engine uses on average 15.2 mpg, at worst 9.3 mpg and at best 23.4 mpg.

Chassis and body

The McLaren F1 was the first production road car to use a complete carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) monocoque chassis structure. Aluminium and magnesium was used for attachment points for the suspension system, inserted directly into the CFRP.

The car features a central driving position – the driver’s seat is located in the middle, ahead of the fuel tank and ahead of the engine, with a passenger seat slightly behind and on either side. The doors on the vehicle move up and out when opened, and are thus of the type butterfly doors.

The engine produces high temperatures under full application and thus cause a high temperature variation in the engine bay from no operation to normal and full operation. CFRP becomes mechanically stressed over time from high heat transfer effects and thus the engine bay was decided to not be constructed from CFRP.


The overall drag coefficient on the standard McLaren F1 is 0.32, compared with 0.36 for the faster Bugatti Veyron, and 0.357 for the current holder of the fastest car world record (as of 2008) – the SSC Ultimate Aero TT (in terms of top speed). The vehicle’s frontal area is 1.79 square meters and the total Cx is 0.57. Due to the fact that the machine features active aerodynamics these are the figures presented in the most streamlined configuration.

The normal McLaren F1 features no wings to produce downforce (compare the LM and GTR editions), however the overall design of the underbody of the McLaren F1 in addition to a rear diffuser exploits ground effect to improve downforce which is increased through the use of two electric fans to further decrease the pressure under the car. A “high downforce mode” can be turned on and off by the driver. At the top of the vehicle there is an air intake to direct high pressure air to the engine with a low pressure exit point at the top of the very rear. Under each door is a small air intake to provide cooling for the oil tank and some of the electronics. The airflow created by the electric fans not only increase downforce, but the airflow that is created is further exploited through design, by being directed through the engine bay to provide additional cooling for the engine and the ECU. At the front, there are ducts assisted by an electric suction fan for cooling of the front brakes.

There is a small rear spoiler on the tail of the vehicle, which is dynamic, the device will adjust dynamically and automatically attempt to balance the center of gravity of the car under braking – which will be shifted forward when the brakes are applied. Upon activation of the spoiler a high pressure zone is obviously created in front of the flap, this high pressure zone is exploited—two air intakes are revealed upon application that will allow the high pressure airflow to enter ducts that route air to aid in cooling the rear brakes. The spoiler increases the overall drag coefficient from 0.32 to 0.39 and is activated at speeds equal to or above 40 mph (64 km/h) by brake line pressure.


Steve Randle who was the car’s dynamicist was appointed responsible for the design of the suspension system of the McLaren F1 machine. It was decided that the ride should be comfortable yet performance oriented, however not as stiff and low as that of a true track machine, as that would imply reduction in practical use and comfort as well as increasing noise and vibration, which would be a contradictory design choice in relation to the former set premise – the goal of creating the ultimate road car.

From scratch the design of the McLaren F1 vehicle had strong focus on centering the mass of the car as near the middle as possible by extensive manipulation of placement of i.a. the engine, fuel and driver, allowing for a low polar moment of inertia in yaw. The McLaren F1 has 42% of its weight at the front and 58% at the rear, this figure changes less than 1% with the fuel load.

The distance between the mass centroid of the car and the suspension roll centre were designed to be the same front and rear to avoid unwanted weight transfer effects. Computer controlled dynamic suspension were considered but not applied due to the inherent increase in weight, increased complexity and loss of predictability of the vehicle.

Damper and spring specifications: 90 mm (3.5 in) bump, 80 mm (3.1 in) rebound with bounce frequency at 1.43 Hz at front and 1.80 Hz at the rear, despite being sports oriented these figures imply the rather soft ride and will inherently decrease track performance, but again, the McLaren F1 is not in concept nor implementation a track machine. As can be seen from the McLaren F1 LM, McLaren F1 GTR et al., the track performance potential is much higher than that in the stock McLaren F1 due to fact that car should be comfortable and usable in everyday conditions.

The suspension is a double wishbone system with an interesting design, i.a. that longitudinal wheel compliance is included without loss of wheel control, which allows the wheel to travel backwards when it hits a bump – increasing the comfort of the ride.

Castor wind-off at the front during braking is handled by McLaren’s proprietary Ground Plane Shear Centre – the wishbones on either side in the subframe are fixed in rigid plane bearings and connected to the body by four independent bushes which are 25 times more stiff radially than axially. This solution provides for a castor wind-off measured to 1.02 degrees per G of braking deceleration. Compare the Honda NSX at 2.91 degrees per G, the Porsche 928 S at 3.60 degrees per G and the Jaguar XJ6 at 4.30 degrees per G respectively. The difference in toe and camber values are also of very small under lateral force application. Inclined Shear Axis is used at the rear of the machine provides measurements of 0.04 degrees per G of change in toe-in under braking and 0.08 degrees per G of toe-out under traction.

When developing the suspension system the facility of electro-hydraulic kinematics and compliance at Anthony Best Dynamics was employed to measure the performance of the suspension on a Jaguar XL16, a Porsche 928S and a Honda NSX to use as references.

Steering knuckles and the top wishbone/bell crank are also specially manufactured in an aluminium alloy. The wishbones are machined from a solid aluminium alloy with CNC machines.


The McLaren F1 uses 235/45ZR17 front tyres and 315/45ZR17 rear tyres. These are specially designed and developed solely for the McLaren F1 by Goodyear and Michelin. The tyres are mounted on 17×9 inches and 17×11.5 inches cast magnesium wheels, protected by a tough protective paint. The five-spoke wheels are secured with magnesium retention pins.

The turning circle from curb to curb is 13 m (42.7 ft), allowing the driver two turns from lock to lock.


The McLaren F1 features unassisted, vented and crossdrilled brake discs made by Brembo. Front size is 332 mm (13.1 in) and at the rear 305 mm (12.0 in). The calipers are all four-pot, opposed piston types, and are made of aluminium. The rear brake calipers do not feature any handbrake functionality, however there is a mechanically actuated, fist-type caliper which is computer controlled and thus serves as a handbrake.

To increase caliper stiffness the calipers are machined from one single solid piece (in contrast to the more common being bolted together from two halves). Pedal travel is slightly over one inch. Activation of the rear spoiler will allow the air pressure generated at the back of the vehicle to force air into the cooling ducts located at either end of the spoiler which become uncovered upon application of it.

Servo assisted ABS brakes were ruled out as they would imply increased mass, complexity and reduced brake feel; however at the cost of increasing the required skill of the driver.

Gordon Murray attempted to utilize carbon brakes for the McLaren F1, but found the technology not mature enough at the time; with one of the major culprits being that of a proportional relationship between brake disc temperature and friction—i.e. stopping power—thus resulting in relatively poor brake performance without an initial warm-up of the brakes prior to use. As carbon brakes have a more simplified application envelope in pure racing environments this allows for the racing edition of the machine, the McLaren F1 GTR, to feature ceramic carbon brakes.

Gearbox and miscellaneous

The standard McLaren F1 has a transverse 6-speed manual gearbox with an AP carbon triple-plate clutch contained in an aluminium housing. The second generation GTR edition has a magnesium housing. Both the standard edition and the ‘McLaren F1 LM’ have the following gear ratios: 3.23:1, 2.19:1, 1.71:1, 1.39:1, 1.16:1, 0.93:1, with a final drive of 2.37:1, the final gear is offset from the side of the clutch. The gearbox is proprietary and was developed by Weismann. The Torsen LSD (Limited Slip Differential) has a 40% lock.

The McLaren F1 has an aluminium flywheel that has only the dimensions and mass absolutely needed to allow the torque from the engine to be transmitted. This is done in order to decrease rotational inertia and increase responsiveness of the system, resulting in faster gear changes and better throttle feedback. This is possible due to the McLaren F1 engine lacking secondary vibrational couples and featuring a torsional vibration damper by BMW.

Interior and equipment

Standard car stereo reviews equipment on the stock McLaren F1 includes full cabin air conditioning, a rarity on most sports cars and a system design which Murray again credited to the Honda NSX, a car he had owned and driven himself for 7 years without, according to the official McLaren F1 website, ever needing to change the AC automatic setting. Further comfort features included SeKurit electric defrost/demist windscreen and side glass, electric window lifts, remote central locking, Kenwood 10-disc CD stereo system, car stereo reviews, cabin access release for opening panels, cabin storage department, four lamp high performance headlight system, rear fog and reversing lights, courtesy lights in all compartments, map reading lights and a gold-plated Facom titanium tool kit and first aid kit (both stored in the car). In addition tailored, proprietary luggage bags specially designed to fit the vehicle’s carpeted storage compartments, including a tailored golf bag, were standard equipment. Airbags are not present in the car.

All features of the McLaren F1 were according to Gordon Murray obsessed over, which included the interior. The metal plates fitted to improve aesthetics of the cockpit are claimed to be 20/1000s of an inch thick to save weight. The driver’s seat of the McLaren F1 is custom fitted to the specifications desired by the customer for optimal fit and comfort; the seats are hand made from CFRP and covered in light Connolly leather. By design the F1 steering column can not be adjusted, however prior to production each customer specifies the exact preferred position of the steering wheel and thus the steering column is tailored by default to those owner settings; the same holds true for the pedals, which are not adjustable after the car has left the factory, but like the steering column the pedals are also tailored to each specific customer.

During its pre-production stage, McLaren commissioned Kenwood to create a lightweight car audio system for the car; Kenwood, between 1992 and 1998 used the McLaren F1 to promote its products in print advertisements, calendars and brochure covers. Each car audio system was especially designed to tailor to an individual’s listening taste, however radio was omitted because Murray never listened to the radio.

Every standard McLaren F1 also has a modem which allows customer care to remotely fetch information from the ECU of the car in order to help aid in the event of a failure of the vehicle.

Purchase and maintenance

Only 106 cars were manufactured, 64 of which were the standard street version (F1), 5 were LMs (tuned versions), 3 were longtail roadcars (GT), 5 prototypes (XP), 28 racecars (GTR), and 1 LM prototype (XP LM). Production began in 1992 and ended in 1998. At the time of production one machine took around 3.5 months to make.

Up until 1998, when McLaren produced and sold the standard McLaren F1 models, they had a price tag of around 970 000 USD. The cars can sell for up to nearly twice that of the original price, due to the performance and exclusivity of the machine. They are expected to further increase in value over time.

Although production stopped in 1998, McLaren still maintains an extensive support and service network for the McLaren F1. There are eight authorized service centers throughout the world, and McLaren will on occasion fly a specialized technician to the owner of the car or the service center. All of the technicians have undergone dedicated training in service of the McLaren F1. In cases where major structural damage has occurred, the car can be returned to McLaren directly for repair.

On October 29 2008, an McLaren F1 road car (chassis number 065) was sold at an RM Automobiles of London auction for £2,530,000 (~US$4,100,000). This was the car from the McLaren showroom on Park Lane, London. With only 484 kilometers on its odometer, this pristine example set a world record for the highest price ever paid for an McLaren F1 road car.

modification car

They are different, totally insane and head turning.

Unlike owners of brands like Ferrari, Porsche or Lamborghini, which compared to these cars, are common, these owners want to take car modification to the extreme….’how low can you go?’, ‘how big n bad is your spoiler?’. You can quite easily spend the same money on these cars as on purchasing a Ferrari.

Car Sport Modification

The Best Sports Car in the World?

With the return of the legendary 'GTO' badge to a Ferrari for 2010, the question being asked by most people familiar with sports cars and Ferrari in particular is, 'is this the best sports car in the world?'

The model lucky enough to get the GTO treatment and wear the badge is Ferrari's two seat flagship the 599 GTB Fiorano. The Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano was introduced in 2006 to replace the 575 Maranello. In it's first year the 599 won the Evo car of the year, Evo being the premiere Magazine in Britain focusing on driver oriented cars and a global authority on performance cars.

So the 599 GTB was already a great supercar when it first appeared in 2006, featuring a 5999cc V12 positioned at the front of the car longitudinally. It develops 611bhp and 448lb ft of torque and all of that power is transmitted to the rear wheels via a 6 speed manual transmission or Ferrari's 6 speed 'F1 Superfast' automated manual transmission with paddle shifters.

The 599 GTB also features magnetorheological dampers which are dampers filled with magnetorheological fluid and controlled by a magnetic field. So by varying the strength of the electromagnet emitting the magnetic field you can adapt individual dampers to continuously altering conditions. This semi active suspension is critical on the 599 GTB in compensating for the basic physics of having the engine out in front of you feeding the driving wheels behind you.

The 599 GTB Fiorano is capable of reaching 60mph from rest in 3.5 seconds and can go on to reach 100mph 2.9 secs later, so from 0 to 100mph in 7.4 secs. It also has a top speed of 205mph.

The only 2 other cars to wear the GTO badge were the race bred 250 GTO in 1962 band the 288 GTO in 1984, both of which are rare and extremely sought after these days. GTO stands for Gran Turismo Omologata and derives from the 2 previous models which were built as homologation specials to allow Ferrari to race them.

The 599 GTO gets the detuned version of the race car spec 599XX 722bhp engine but still produces 670bhp with 457 lb ft of torque. The transmission is a 6 speed paddle shift auto manual with an uprated 60 millisecond gear change time. This will allow the car to hit 60mph in 3.35 secs and will probably be able to hit 100mph from standstill in 6.5 secs and will go on to hit 208mph.

The 599 GTO has a bespoke 6 into 1 exhaust manifold and no doubt will sound fantastic. The underside of the car has also seen some changes to allow the maximum amount of down force to be generated with the minimum amount of drag, so there are no overt or obvious racetrack addenda such as a high rear wing but still the car can generate 144kg of down force at 120mph.

In order to extract the maximum performance from all areas of the car, the Ferrari relies heavily on its VDC (Vehicle Dynamic Control) system and it's F1-Trac traction control to exploit the chassis's razor sharp responses. The car relies on the constant adjustments being made its electronic systems to keep everything in check and pointing forward (or sideways if you are a particularly talented driver).

The result of all of this refinement is a lap time set by the 599 GTO around the Ferrari test track of Fiorano that is 0.9 secs faster than that of the Ferrari Enzo which is a proper mid engined hypercar. So the performance of the 599 GTO is astounding but the real test will be whether that performance can be translated into a truly great driving experience given that there is so much electronic wizardry going on. Only time will tell.

The 599 GTO does however deliver breathtaking performance both on and off of the track but is it enough to become the best sports car in the world?

NEW HONDA CB1000R ( 2010 )

NEW HONDA CB1000R ( 2010 )

The Honda CB1000R 2010 added grabs assimilation of every beholder with the credible metal as beef to add to its accessory and its unstoppable power-packed accomplishment can woo bike enthusiasts. The rear bank rises and the rear tyre is huge with bank saddle pitting a little. These looks of the bike are added added with abridge and abridge addendum cowl and a forward-tilted armament tank. The bunched bikini cowl of the Honda CB1000R makes it accessory afire with its abutting to triangle-shaped multi-reflector headlight (I never had so abounding applause for the wolf-eyed headlight, but this one hit me with a monster accomplished like looks) and appropriate LED position lamp. Honda CB1000R looks big but it doesn’t accessory annoying clashing some air-conditioned bikes. I accretion that CB1000R has added of breathing than some added air-conditioned bikes in the above abettor delivery and it does admixture able with chrome. The four-spoked auto add to the beauty.Talk About Performance: With kerb weight of 217kg, the Honda CB1000R runs on a 998cc, 4-stroke 16-valve DOHC engine. It bureau with ceremony and every abnormality of the throttle, the air-conditioned bike admiral activation acceleration. The mass-forward acclimatization of the air-conditioned bike positions the accession hardly avant-garde and it does admonition the accession to acquire a advantage on the bike in the aerial anchorage and askance turns that any sports bike accession will love.The agreed absolute walks afore the affected governor.The CB1000R’s racetrack handling alone won me over, but where it will really shine is on the street. I decided to give the CB a break and rode one session at a sporting street pace and this naked roadster returned the favor by exhibiting a gentle demeanor and remaining nearly buzz-free at 65 mph.

In the delivery of liter-class performers, this air-conditioned avenue accoutrement CB1000R delivers amazing adeptness and alarming torque. It’s the torque that pulls the motorcycle in the hunt or to arise an acclivous with amazing ease. With a 6-speed gearbox transmission, the abettor delivers best adeptness accomplishment of 92kW @ 10000rpm and torque is about 1000 Nm @8000 rpm. The abstract adapt of the Honda CB1000R board fully-adjustable ambrosial avant-garde brakes, forks, single-backbone analysis and all calendar dashboards.

Modified Car Insurance

So you're thinking about building a cool modified street car; but before you get started, you need to consider your car insurance premiums. Insurance for a modified street car used to be hard to come by, but things have changed a bit. However, one thing that hasn't changed is the way in which insurance companies determine the insurance premium for your vehicle. It's all about the risk profiles of the driver and the car; and insurance companies tend to determine your risk profile by placing you as a driver into categories like gender, age, income, etc. and the same goes for your car.

As far as car insurance companies are concerned, there are two types of modified street cars: show cars and street race cars. Show cars are likely to do extremely low mileage, usually in warm sunny weather, and are usually drives very carefully. They are also less likely to be stolen, and more likely to be garage parked at night. All of this is good new for your insurance broker. A street racer however is a different story. These cars are more likely to be abused, involved in accidents, driven in all weather, driven fast and at high RPM, stolen, parked in the street, and driven by 'boy racers'. As a result the insurance companies have to charge a large enough premium to cover any possible claim. How much the insurance increases deepens upon the type of modification.

Car modification can be performed at many levels; from small modifications such as fitting alloy wheels, to major modifications such as fitting a forced induction system. Small modifications are not likely to cause a great impact on your insurance premium and will only increase the value of your vehicle and increase the likelihood of it being stolen. Proper security measures, such as fitting an alarm system, and fitting lock wheel nuts to alloy wheels might help you avoid an increase in your insurance policy. However, major modifications and engine modifications will cause an increase in your car insurance premiums as they greatly increase the risk of the vehicle being involved in an accident. The insurance company might also quote with a higher excess when covering the risk of theft or accidents. Most insurance companies will consider other modifications, such as fitting performance exhaust systems, body kits, and lowering the suspension, on a case by case basis.


The important thing is to disclose your modifications. You may be tempted not to disclose the modifications you've made to your car, so that your premiums remain relatively low. However, this is not a wise move as, technically, you are not covered if you do not disclosed any modifications you've made. If you had an accident, the assessor from the insurance company can, and probably will void your insurance policy if the assessor notices any undisclosed modifications. And I'm not just talking abut engine modifications, even if you fit a set of alloy wheels, or a body kit after you have signed an insurance policy, you must disclose your modifications to you insurance company.


To find the best car insurance for your modified car, you'll need to do quite a bit of research. If the car is already modified, search the Web and phone around for the best modified car insurance quote you can get, based on the modifications made to the car. Remember to find out what the excess would be in case of theft and accidents. If you intend doing some modifications, contact your existing insurance company and find out how the modification would impact on your insurance premiums. Find out if another insurance company will offer you better premiums but remember to take the excess into account.

But it doesn't stop when you've got your modified cars insured. As I've mentioned earlier, car insurance companies determine your risk profile by placing you into a category that says something like "under 21 year old male driving a souped up Nissan 200SX has a high accident risk". This is because the driving behavior of other drivers in your age group and gender has resulted in numerous accidents that have cost the insurance industry. As a driver of a modified street car you have a greater responsibility to your fellow road users and your fellow modified car owners. You also need to have greater respect for your car. More power on wet roads means a greater probability of sliding and locking your brakes at a stop. What you can do is be a conscientious driver rather than a conservative driver and never kid around behind the wheel, never drive under the influence, never speed in residential areas, know when you can apply the power, and learn what to do when the car goes into a slide. An advanced driving course should do the trick for the latter as it takes a lot of courage and skill to turn a front-wheel vehicle into a slide, or to release and reapply the brakes when the wheels lock up. If you drive conscientiously, you would be less likely to be the cause of an accident and you would contribute to improving the image of car owners like you and me, and bringing down the premiums for modified car insurance.


You've got your modified car insurance covered but you're involved in a crash. Depending on the extent of the damage, your insurance company will determine if your car is a write off by comparing the estimated repair costs of the car against the estimated value of your car. If the estimated repair costs exceed the estimated value, the car is considered a write off. However, when it comes to modified cars, the estimated value of the car after the crash can become quite contentious. Most modifications will push up the amount of money you've spent on the car without adding a similar amount to the value of the car. Fitting a $5,000 stereo to a $2,500 car, for example, won't push the car's value up to $7,500. In such cases you may save a significant amount of money by keeping the parts for your next car. So it may be worth fighting the insurance company on their estimated value of your car. To do that you need to understand how the insurance company operates.

After the crash, the insurance company will usually take a few days to get the estimated value for your car. What the insurance company does is enter your car's information on a computer and send it off to an evaluation company, which then finds similar cars to yours that were recently sold and comes up with an average based on those cars' resale value. This value they send back to your insurance company. By the time the adjuster comes back with this value, you should have already done your own research. You need to look for recent sales information on cars similar to yours in model year, options, mileage, and aftermarket modifications. Look for cars that are in worse condition than yours but are going for a relatively high price as the insurance company will have a hard time arguing you down if a car with more mileage and less options than yours is going at a higher price than their estimate.All is not lost if the repair costs still exceed the value of the car. You can still keep salvage if you have a place you to store the car. The insurance company will deduct the salvage amount from your claim check if you keep salvage but you must move the car from the tow yard as soon as you reach settlement with the insurance company. Remember the insurance company is responsible for tow and storage fees up to the settlement date; after settlement date tow and storage fees become your responsibility